I'd like to introduce you to the people that will be making regular appearances on this blog, both to familiarize you with them and to allow me to further use pronouns at whim.
Here's the happy family, Tim, Griffan, and me, Stef.
I am a graduate student in education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I am currently halfway through a two-year program, which will allow me to become licensed to teach primary education (watch out!) and will also tack on some more letters to my name (M.Ed.) Yay! I also work on campus in addition to taking classes and student teaching, so I am a busy bee, which is how I like it!
Then we have Tim, my boyfriend of 2+ years. He is a student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Tropical Plants and Soil Sciences, or agriculture. He works at an arboretum in the micro-propagation lab storing and growing seeds of rare and endangered native plants of Hawaii. To sum it up, he loves plants, to an extreme degree. He is the green thumb of the family. While I love our garden and the idea of growing our own food, he is the one that makes it all possible. I get out and help where I can (mostly weeding), but he is the brains behind that operation. He shares my passion of leading a healthy life filled with good food and good beer.
Lastly we have Griffan, our child. He is a terrier mix-- half jack russel and half brussels griffon. He will be a year old in August. Like a human child, he goes everywhere with us; to the beach, camping, hiking, and to friends' houses. He has such an amazing personality and the cutest face ever, I'll just say that he his well loved.
We came across your post when googling images of Brussels Griffon Jack Russel mix. We have a dog the same age that looks exactly like yours. We live in Honolulu. I wonder if they're brothers?